A life transformed
Kanto Women in Ministry spring retreat

As a first-time attendee of a Women in Ministry (WIM) event, I wasn’t sure what to expect at the spring retreat. I had attended women’s conferences in my home country before, but as a new missionary here in Japan, this was my first. What would it be like? Who would be there? Would it be refreshing, or would my introverted self come away exhausted from all the interactions and sessions? I am thankful that this WIM retreat answered my questions positively.
There were 55 women who had been in Japan ranging from 1 month up to some 40 years, and they represented a wide variety of life and ministry experiences and testimonies. All had come together for two nights of fellowship around God’s Word, to pray and to sing, as well as to enjoy time to rest and reflect.
We feasted on God’s Word together as we walked through Exodus and God’s journey with Moses from Midian through the wilderness. We meditated on God’s character, God’s ability, and our transformed identities in Christ, and we were encouraged to keep trusting through the joys and humbling realities of ministry life. We were taught to embrace our weaknesses, release everything to God, and move forward in his strength with our hearts at rest.
Sometimes it can be easy to feel the weight of doing life and ministry in Japan. But being able to listen to solid Bible teaching, reflect, and pray together after the sessions was encouraging. Listening to and sharing testimonies was inspiring. Singing songs of praise together in English was uplifting. Enjoying a hike to a local gorge (with some impromptu hymn singing) was refreshing. Above all, we could sense the presence of the Lord as we gathered to seek him.
I came away from the retreat with fresh encouragement and new connections and friendships within the missionary community. Even though I had not met many of the other women before, there was a refreshing openness in sharing the things the Lord was walking us through so that we could encourage and pray with one another. It was a special time of fellowship. I now understand why many seasoned missionaries make the annual retreat a regular part of their life of ministry in Japan!
For the next WIM retreat, won’t you take the time to join with other women serving in Japan? It’s time to be still so that we can move forward resting in him, freshly encouraged for the next stage of our journey with him.
Photos submitted by author and Debbie Griffin