A peek behind the scenes
What looked like reluctance to study the Bible turned out to be exactly the opposite

Very rare are the times in my Christian life that God has lifted the veil, so to speak, and given me a peek behind the scenes, and these few times were always a tremendous encouragement to my faith. I hope you’ll be encouraged by my most recent experience of this and be able to share in the thrill of seeing differently.
Many of us have used English conversation classes to meet the felt needs of Japanese people to improve in that area. People will come to a conversation class who would never set foot in a church. What a tool God has provided for us to meet new friends!
I first met my friend Sumire in such a class. I was not there to teach, but to model teaching for a young intern. Our classes included not only English, but also 30 minutes of optional Bible time. I most remember Sumire from that first Bible time: she sat back in her chair with her arms folded across her chest as if daring me to say something that would offend her. Her whole demeanor shouted to me that she was an uncommonly straight-talking Japanese lady. I finished that Bible time wondering if she would give the intern any trouble.
At the time I was well aware that the students came and paid for the English portion of the class, and that only by God’s design did they stay for the free Bible time. What design? His design of Japanese culture. Japanese people don’t like to leave the group, as we know; they also don’t like to leave until the teacher is done, and they knew the teacher was not done until Bible time was over. So they became a captive audience, so to speak. What an amazing opportunity—students from the second largest unreached people group captive around the Bible, that speaks the only answer to the brokenness in their lives and this world. Marvelous design!
That design formed my paradigm for understanding my students. I saw Sumire as a captive, who, in my mind, clearly didn’t want to be there, but was too “Japanese” to leave.
Imagine my surprise when I found out it was just the opposite. She had, in fact, not come to the class for English, but for the Bible time. She had fruitlessly searched for some years for a way to understand Christianity better and then she heard about our classes. She was actually paying for, and sitting through, the English portion to get to the Bible time! This was a complete paradigm shift for me. It was awesome and humbling.
Sumire continues to attend various activities of our ministry. Her Bible is as marked up as the most devoted Christian’s. When we are in Bible study she often fills in the blanks for newcomers. I wondered why she still remained unbaptized. When I asked her she answered that she doesn’t believe in the resurrection. I was saddened to hear that, since, according to Romans 10: 9–10, belief in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus is an essential requirement of saving faith. However, in view of her determination to find a Bible study, I cannot help but believe that God is at work in her life. The gift of faith is his to give, and I long to know that she has crossed over from darkness into his marvelous light.
Perhaps God has lifted the veil for you once or twice. I would love to hear your story.
Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cesarastudillo/158254288