An old lady “stole” a Bible
God took her from fierce opposition to Christianity, to leading her husband to the Lord

Mrs. Emiko Ebuchi (94) is a member of our church, and it all started with a Gideon Bible. Here is her story, first from our perspective, and then from hers.
She first came to our church on December 31, 2006. She’d been invited by her grandson, Atsushi, who was a staff member of Japan Campus Crusade for Christ (he is now the national director). Soon after, we heard from Atsushi that she had prayed with him. We went to Mrs. Ebuchi’s house to confirm her faith, and from that time on we (though usually just Toshiko) held a weekly Bible study there with her. One reason we did that was because she had not yet decided to come to church weekly. Her husband was present at every Bible study. One time, she said that she had something to confess. She said that in 2002 she had stolen a Bible from the waiting room of a hospital. She had read a little, but decided to take it home so she could read more. But, she said she took the Bible back afterwards.
Toshiko said, “Mrs. Ebuchi, everything is fine. It’s OK to keep stealing [the Bible].” She made sure that Mrs. Ebuchi had “stolen” a Bible placed by the Gideons and told her that the Gideons International is a group that places Bibles in hospitals and hotels as well as passing them out to schools. Their desire is for many people to read the Bible and be led to faith. Toshiko told Mrs. Ebuchi that it was fine to take those Bibles because that is what they are there for.
Opposition to grandson fuels spiritual inquiry
In 2002, when her grandson told his family that he planned to begin work as a staff member for Campus Crusade, they were opposed. And his grandmother, Mrs. Ebuchi, was the most resistant. Her reason for opposing his plan was that instead of working at a regular job, he would be asking people to give him money to make a living—unthinkable! Of course, she had no understanding of how workers in a Christian organization are supported by believers and churches. Mrs. Ebuchi decided that even if it made her seem like a demon, she would fiercely oppose her grandson’s plan. Around that time her husband was sick in the hospital, and that’s when she saw the Bible. She wondered what it was about this God that her grandson believed so strongly. So she decided to read some of it, and then she decided she wanted to read more.
Regular Bible study
After three months of Bible study at her house in 2007, Mrs. Ebuchi began to come to the worship service at our church every week, where her faith was strengthened. Then, on the first Sunday of 2009, her agnostic husband, who always said he didn’t believe in God or religion, came to church with her and the family. That fall, her husband was hospitalized again. In the early morning of November 20, 2009, she talked with her husband about eternal life. Though very weak, he was surprisingly alert and believed in Christ as his Savior. God called him home to heaven about a month after he came to faith.
God used many people and other things to lead Mrs. Ebuchi to faith. And God used her faith to draw her husband to salvation though he had been a stubborn man who said he would never believe in God.
As it says in 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be firm, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (NASB).
Mrs. Ebuchi’s testimony
In 2002, I was astonished to hear that my grandson wanted to be a missionary [actually a Christian worker] after he graduated from college. All the family were against it, so he took a job as a businessman. But he didn’t give up, and two years later, he decided again to work for Campus Crusade, even if it meant being disowned by his father (my son). I decided that there was nothing for it but to try and understand my grandson. By coincidence I saw a blue Bible in the waiting room of the hospital where my husband was laid up. I picked it up and read it at the hospital, and I even brought the Bible home with me. I looked it over but naturally I didn’t understand anything other than that God is a great God who created the heavens and the earth.
Five years later, I went to my grandson’s wedding at a church in Tokyo. I was moved by the warm expressions of blessing from each person who attended the wedding. I think it was from that time I began to pray, “Jesus, please be with me,” though I had always been a faithful Buddhist until that time.
When my grandson and his wife came home at the end of that year, I went with them to Tenno New Life Chapel. [Another grandson also attended for the first time.] Ken Reddington gave the message, and my grandson, Atsushi, gave a ministry report. After the worship service, the warmth of the pastor and the church members made me feel at home, and I almost didn’t want to go back to my home. The character of the pastor and his wife made me want to know more about Christ than ever before. The next day was New Year’s Day, and Atsushi and his wife had to return to Tokyo. I asked him a quick question, and he said, “Well, let’s pray together.” And I prayed to receive Jesus into my heart right then and there. It was a busy time as they prepared to return, but it just seemed so natural to pray like that. From that time on, the pastor’s wife came to my home every week. When we studied the Bible, I felt warm all over, and I gradually began to understand the gospel. Now I always look forward to times when I can study the Bible with others.
At the end of 2009, my husband’s situation got worse, and Atsushi and his wife came back to see him and talk about the Bible. My husband said, “It’s too hard to understand.” Our spirits sank, and we stopped talking to him. But in the early morning hours, I was able to talk with him and he said, “I want to pray with Atsushi.” So when Atsushi and his wife came back to the hospital, Atsushi prayed, and, in spite of his hard breathing, my husband prayed from the heart to believe. I was so happy! Not only my husband, but I, too, have no regrets, and I can live my life in peace. [He died in his sleep on December 26, Emiko’s 81st birthday.]
Mrs. Emiko Ebuchi was baptized on September 2, 2018. For a long time after being saved, she did not get baptized because, as she said, “I know I’m saved. I know where I’m going when I die.” But she finally realized that baptism would be a testimony to her family. So she was willingly baptized. That day, her grandson gave the message and I baptized her in our ofuro bathtub.
Bible photo by Karen Ellrick
Ebuchi photo submitted by author (Mrs. Ebuchi sharing her testimony on the day of her baptism)