Author: John Edwards
The difficulties of being a Christian in Japanese society
A group of Japanese Christians came together to discuss the issues they face living as followers of Jesus
Working together to reconnect churches with the community
Japanese pastors share their thoughts on how missionaries can contribute to ministry in Japan
Going to where the children are
Building relationships and creating opportunities through daily activities
God’s team-building to reach a city in the snow
Prayer brings a missionary couple and Japanese church leaders together to reach a town with no church
Discipleship by modeling
If making disciples is largely about changing behavior, we must demonstrate the Christ-like actions we desire to see
Dennis Foster’s lasting impact
The 25-year Christian witness of an African American missionary left a community in Yamagata changed
Creative ways to connect in Japan
Short-term interns demonstrate how the arts can connect people without spoken language
The D House internship
Preparing future missionaries to thrive long-term in Japan through hands-on learning and exposure
The fainting public speaker
God used my weakness and fear of public speaking to reach people for his kingdom
What can this short-termer do?
Tim had no Japanese and no international experience and yet he would create a community for unbelievers to mingle naturally with a few believers
A first-term emotional affair
I thought I was well prepared to be a missionary in Japan, but an emotional affair almost destroyed my family and my ministry
Thinking outside the box
Since most Japanese will never walk into a church building, we need to go out among them to share the good news about Jesus Christ
Five essential principles for effective teamwork
Some prefer bread; others prefer rice. What does it take for multicultural teams to work effectively together?
Running as a ministry
What started out as a morning jog to stay fit turned into something so much more.
Japanese Culture: Ethics
This article is the fourth in a four-part series based on interviews with Japanese unbelievers...
Japanese Culture and the Nature of Knowing
This article is third in a four-part series based on interviews with Japanese unbelievers about...
Japanese Culture and the Nature of What Exists
This article is second in a four-part series based on interviews with Japanese unbelievers about...
Social Structures in Japan
This article is first in a four-part series based on interviews with Japanese unbelievers about...
Evangelism Begins with Meeting People
For me, it started with a simple strategy: Talk to a stranger every time I...