Book reviews for Autumn 2023
The 6 Types of Working Genius / Turnaround / Shepherding the Pastor

The 6 Types of Working Genius
Patrick Lencioni (Matt Holt Books, 2022) 228 pp.
Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and organizational health leader, explains how to understand our gifts, our frustrations, and our team. Lencioni believes that many do not understand their work-related gifts. He provides a framework for understanding our God-given talents. Like most of his books, the first part is a fable about the six kinds of working genius. The second part is an overview of the model explaining the six types—wonder, invention, discernment, galvanizing, enablement, and tenacity. Everyone has two areas where they are naturally gifted (their genius) and two areas that produce frustration and exhaustion. The two other areas are working competencies. A team needs to recognize these areas in each other so they can work together well and see where they may be missing talents that are needed. The Working Genuis Team Map helps a team understand gaps they may need to fill and how they can work with passion and enthusiasm. An online assessment is available that helps to identify working geniuses. This would be an informative book for a leadership team to work through and will bring deeper understanding of how a team can work together more productively.
Reviewer rating is 4 of 5 stars ★★★★☆
The Remarkable Story of an Institutional Transformation and the 10 Essential Principles and Practices that Made It Happen
Jason K. Allen (B&H Publishing, 2022) 180 pp.
Allen, president of Midwestern Seminary, one of the fastest growing seminaries in the world, shares how to rescue an organization that is in deep trouble. When he arrived on the campus in 2012, the school was in bad shape. Allen reminds us of key leadership principles that mark healthy organizations. Several themes run through the book, including God’s kind providence and the importance of credibility and team leadership. Allen introduces ten principles and gives practical advice on how to implement them. In the chapter “Cherish Your Team,” he tells how to build a team carefully and gives practical suggestions for nurturing the team. Allen gives a fascinating view as an insider in the seminary on what God has done to bring about remarkable transformation. Allen has worked hard to cultivate a healthy culture. This is a book packed with wisdom that will help any organization and leader.
Reviewer rating is 5 of 5 stars ★★★★★
Shepherding the Pastor: Help for the Early Years of Ministry
Phil A. Newton & Rich C. Shadden (New Growth Press, 2023) 160 pp.
Newton, a pastor for over 40 years, shares his process of mentoring Shadden. They want to help pastors develop healthy patterns in ministry that will enable longevity. In each chapter, Shadden tells about a challenge he faced and Newton responds by offering counsel. Shadden shares how he applies that counsel and Newton recommends next steps on how to proceed when facing similar challenges and gives additional resources. The book is a great example of how to mentor and do the work of ministry together. They look at four stages: sent out, the beginning years, the tumultuous years, and the fruitful years. Both seasoned and young leaders will find wisdom and help as they lead and mentor others.