Book reviews for Winter 2024

Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation
Collin Hansen (Zondervan, 2023) 320 pp.
How was Tim Keller discipled? Who were the mentors who helped him grow? Hansen, vice president of content and editor-in-chief for The Gospel Coalition, gives the story of how God shaped the life of Timothy Keller through people and books. Part 1 (1950–1972) looks at Keller’s upbringing in Pennsylvania. We learn about the woman who taught him to study the Bible (an IVCF worker). We meet Kathy, who would become his wife and the most formative influence on his life. Part 2 (1972–1975) introduces us to the Kellers’ time at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and to Elisabeth Elliot, one of their teachers at Gordon-Conwell. Keller learned how to disagree without being disagreeable from Roger Nicole, who also shaped Keller’s views on substitutionary atonement. Richard Lovelace’s course on spiritual dynamics and Jonathan Edwards shaped Keller’s views on the church and ministry. Part 3 (1975–1989) details Keller’s ministry in Virginia, where he first pastored, and highlights Edmund Clowney, who mentored Keller and invited him to teach at Westminster Theological Seminary and taught Keller how to preach Christ from all of Scripture. Part 4 (1989 to Present) looks at Keller’s ministry at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and more recent influences on Keller. For those who want to know what made Keller the preacher and pastor he was, this is the book to read.
Reviewer rating is 4 of 5 stars ★★★★☆
Global Christianity: A Guide to the World’s Largest Religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe
Gina A. Zurlo (Zondervan, 2022) 352 pp.
Zurlo, co-director of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Seminary, gives a very helpful guide for exploring Christianity in every corner of the world. Zurlo, who also co-authored the third edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia (2019), gives a brief history of Christianity, general religious trends, and information on the church in every country in the world in one- or two-page summaries. Unlike the prayer guide Operation World (2010), Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses are included as Independent Christians, since the book bases its numbers on those who “self-identify as Christian but are independent of historic Christianity”(p. xviii). Readers need to remember this as they look at the numbers. For those looking for up-to-date statistics on the church around the world, this book is the place to start.
Reviewer rating is 4 of 5 stars ★★★★☆
Planting by Pastoring: A Vision for Starting a Healthy Church
Nathan Knight (Crossway, 2023) 176 pp.
Knight, pastor of Restoration Church in Washington, DC, outlines the basic work of church planting and focuses on what a church is and what a church does. He emphasizes the character of the church planter and looks at what it means to be a pastor. For those wanting to cultivate a community of believers who treasure Christ, this book gives practical advice on planting churches. “Part 1: Church-Planting Residency” begins with Jesus, the Prince of Planters, and looks at the importance of developing a Christ-like character. “Part 2: Church-Planting Mobilization” looks at the team of the planter, the mission of the planter, and what success means. This is a great book for church planting teams to read and learn from.