Christ + love + dance = connection
Hip-hop dancing can be an effective way to connect with people and provide a way to share about Jesus

Connecting with people was one of Jesus Christ’s greatest missions on earth. He came to die for our sins and reconnect us to God, and he left us with the power to do the same mission so that people will know they can be connected to God through his Son.
We all know we must spread this good news, but the question is how.
Jesus used the gift of love to connect with people. When he talked to people he didn’t just talk; he listened and related to their reality. Since saying yes to God’s call to Japan in 2006, I’ve been learning from Jesus about how to connect with people the same way he did, how to fulfil his vision rather than mine, and how to accomplish what he wants (as expressed in Matthew 28:18–20) rather than what I want.
God gave me the gift of hip-hop dancing. I use dance to establish common ground with people; it is a bridge to connect. This might seem insignificant, but it has improved my interaction with people and given me the chance to help them understand who they are in Christ. Through dance, I become friends with people who attend my weekly gospel dance classes in Shinjuku and Ochanomizu in central Tokyo.
The Shinjuku classes are the first point of contact. Each week, about 15 to 35 people attend, most of whom have never been to church before. I openly tell participants that the classes are a church-related project and that their purpose is not so much to make money but to create a healthy dance community. I also explain that we use gospel hip-hop music.
I always invite those who come to the Shinjuku classes to join the dance practices we hold at the church I attend—New Hope Tokyo in Ochanomizu. In the Ochanomizu classes, we follow up participants and strengthen relationships.
I invite participants in the Ochanomizu classes to attend our Sunday youth and main services. Praise the Lord, we have had people who came to the church services and events through the dance classes. Some have performed at church events, even though they are not Christians. Some attend the church regularly, and a few are showing interest in the Bible.
Through dance I try to share the gospel, but I keep it very simple. I introduce new songs every week and explain the lyrics to my students. I stay in touch with everyone via a LINE group and invite them to church services and events. I also dance at both Christian and non-Christian events and build relationships with non-Christian event organisers and performers backstage.
I’m not just dancing around and making friends. It is a form of friendship evangelism—as I connect and make friends with people through dance, I gain their trust and help them become more open to Christianity. Dance is not the main thing. I try to be sensitive to God. He is the one who brings growth and fruit, and I must know which season he is working on. His Spirit is my guide.
His mighty power is at work within us. His mighty power is at work in Japan.
Let us use our God-given gifts to connect with people so they will know they can be connected with God.
If you would like to get involved or know more about our gospel hip-hop dance ministry, please get in touch. See and