ECC (Evangelical Covenant Church)

The vision of our group is to make more Jesus disciples among more populations in a more caring and just world. We pursue this vision in Japan in partnership with the Japan Covenant Church (日本聖契キリスト教団) and others as we
- start and strengthen churches,
- make and deepen disciples,
- develop leaders, and
- love mercy and do justice.
These actions take shape through a variety of ministries (see bottom right).
We are a small mission and by God’s grace have successfully navigated the transition from “missionary-as-parent, denomination-as-child” to a national church/mission partnership of trust, creativity, and cooperation. Our mission is increasingly multi-cultural, multi-lingual, and multi-generational.
Some specific areas we pray about are
- the struggles of different learners in the Japanese educational system,
- school non-attendance,
- hikikomori,
- internet addiction,
- mental health care, and
- suicide.
As God leads, we want to connect with others to make a positive difference in these areas.

Website links
Nihon Seikei Kirisuto Kyodan
Akagi Bible Camp
Odawara Christian Center
Seminary education at Covenant Seminary (聖契神学校)
Camping (Akagi Bible Camp)
Sports ministry, music
Tohoku Relief (in cooperation with 3.11 Iwate Church Network)
Christian Academy in Japan
Audio Bible Japan
Church planting
Spiritual formation
Language teaching
Youth ministry
Support for those with physical, emotional, and social disabilities, the elderly, and those who are victims of domestic violence