How does JEMA encourage prayer?
The fellowship of prayer brings us from our many ministries to be one family growing together

What is the fellowship of prayer? It is living in Jesus and his words living in us. JEMA members come from many different denominations and backgrounds, but as we pray together in fellowship with Jesus our head, we find the oneness in him and each other. For he is the head of the church and only in him are we one body. Jesus expresses the oneness we can have in him: “But if you live in life-union with me and if my words live powerfully within you—then you can ask whatever you desire and it will be done” (John 15:7 TPT).
The JEMA Prayer Commission has two main types of gathering: nationwide Zoom prayer meetings, which take place regularly every other month, and four-day prayer summits. Both types of gathering have one agenda—to meet with God to get his heart for reaching Japan. Both types of prayer gatherings are seeking to be places where believers gather, united under one head, Jesus Christ, and are connected with God. And in this way we are encouraging unity in the body of Christ and opening doors for reaching Japan for Christ.
Another way that we encourage ministry through prayer is by prayer walking. In the last few years, we have taught several groups about this in Tokyo. We have used a prayer guide of needs for each prefecture and led small groups on the path around the Imperial Palace grounds. On the sidewalk every few meters are the name and flower of one of the prefectures. Using these plaques and the prayer need guide, we can pray for all of Japan at the “center” of the country during a one-hour walk.
Prayer walks are also effective in smaller areas with more specific needs. It is easy to do, promotes unity, and discreetly adds a visible presence to the area of concern.
Prayer was the basis for Jesus’ ministry and needs to be for us, too, for we are one with him. Jesus must be our living Word every day; this is how our faith is built for an effective prayer life. “When your lives bear abundant fruit, you demonstrate that you are my mature disciples who glorify my Father!” (John 15:8). This is why it is important for JEMA to facilitate prayer, to encourage all of us to be strengthened in our prayer life to have an effective impact on reaching Japan for Christ.
Next Prayer Summit: Okutama, May 13–16, 2025
JEMA Prayer Commission: Bill Paris, Akira Mori, Sarah Chang, Carlton Walker
Photo submitted by author