JCCC (Japan Campus Crusade for Christ)

As a part of Campus Crusade for Christ International, our desire in Japan Campus Crusade for Christ is to see God raise up MOVEMENTS OF MULTIPLYING DISCIPLES everywhere, so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus. We desire to WIN people to Christ, BUILD them in their faith, and SEND them out to win, build and send others.
Our staff team in Japan is very international, with 80 staff from eight different countries – Japan, U.S., Canada, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Australia. We have staff in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Yokohama, Kobe, Kyoto and Fukuoka. Most of our staff work on university campuses, while others work in support roles alongside career people, stay-at-home parents, and other segments of society.
We desire to partner with others in the body of Christ, and always introduce new Christians to local church fellowships. Many students who came to Christ through our ministry have become lay leaders or pastors in their churches.
We have a two-pronged emphasis in our discipleship: 1.The Great Commandment, to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-40); and 2.The Great Commission, to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20).
Through changed lives such as the ones below, through students who desire to share their faith and disciple others, we pray that God will raise up movements of multiplying disciples all over Japan!
Some testimonies of students’ changed lives:
Misaki, in Nagoya, became a Christian through CCC during her freshman year. She grew in her faith, and as a sophomore, she prayed, along with her friends, that she could lead an evangelistic Bible study. She met a senior student and shared the gospel with her. Her new friend showed interest and decided to do the Bible study with Misaki. After about a month, she became a Christian! Misaki rejoices at how God answered her prayer and worked in her new friend’s life.
Motoi, in Osaka, was a Christian, but didn’t have any desire to share his faith. Through his involvement with CCC on his campus, he began to change. When he saw his friend going through a difficult time, he wanted to share with him. His friend asked many questions, and eventually, Motoi led him to Christ. Motoi says that he himself could feel God’s love more deeply through this. His friend used to have a violent temper and was estranged from his alcoholic father. After receiving Christ, he experienced God’s peace and forgiveness and took the initiative to reconnect with his father.
Rena, who helped plan the Tokyo campus Christmas party, shares: “Though I had been worrying about the party being successful, God showed me that it wasn’t having a lot of people come that would make it a success… we need to just keep our eyes on Jesus. What I was most happy about was that my friend Kanako received Christ! I was worried about how I could take care of my other friends who came, but just like the shepherd who left the 99 to search for the one, I felt that I needed to take time to explain the gospel to Kanako after the program. After she received Christ, we came back to the big room and I saw other Christian students talking with my friends! I realized again that I don’t have to do it all alone, but we are a team!”