JCL (Japan Christian Link)

We were founded as the Japan Evangelistic Band (JEB) in 1903 by Barclay Buxton and Paget Wilkes who envisaged reaching “the Japanese wherever they may be found.” That aim remains, encapsulated in our vision statement: To help make a significant difference in the progress of the gospel among the Japanese people over the first half of this century.* We seek to fulfil this vision in Japan and elsewhere.
In 2000, we changed our name to Japan Christian Link (JCL). Our now-independent Japanese sister organisation retains the name JEB, or Nihon Dendoutai. As JCL, we have a renewed vision, a more flexible structure, and a greater emphasis on relationships.
About 30 mission people, including tentmakers, are involved in our work, in the UK, Germany, and Japan. We seek particularly to encourage those exploring creative and innovative ways of reaching and discipling Japanese people. For example, while some JCL partners are involved in local church ministries, others are working in Japanese companies, in higher education, in Tokyo’s contemporary music scene, and one runs an English-teaching business with a gospel purpose.
We continue to seek the Lord’s direction for our ministry, but currently aim to:
- Preserve our network’s distinctive focus on Japanese people.
- Continue making the most of the tremendous opportunities to bring the gospel to overseas Japanese people, especially in the UK.
- Help prepare and connect returnees to Japan from the UK and Europe with local Japanese churches and Christians so that they may grow and flourish as Jesus’ disciples and influence their nation for his glory.
- Encourage workplace ministry.
- Challenge the ‘sacred-secular divide’ in other ways. Encourage all believers in Europe and Japan to see themselves as part of God’s mission force.
- Encourage and promote a kingdom culture—an environment within our Christian culture that is conducive to spiritual growth.
We also believe we should remain flexible, open, and relatively small, but at the same time praying our efforts will have great effect.
Yet we see many obstacles to the progress of the gospel in Japanese hearts—both in society at large and within our Christian communities. Statistics suggest there is sadly little advance. Many things hinder Japanese people from hearing or responding to the gospel or hinder new believers from growing as Jesus’ disciples and witnesses within a vital fellowship. Similarly, many things also hinder Japanese returning from overseas with a new faith from continuing as disciples and influencing their families and peers. We would love to be a catalyst for changes that remove some of these hindrances and lead to a more conducive environment in which the gospel may speed on and triumph—as individual believers grow in Christ and shine as lights for him in their various spheres of influence. Perhaps you do too and already have some ideas. We’d love to hear from you . . . perhaps we could explore ideas together!
*Full outlines of our Vision, Key Aims and Values can be accessed at: http://www.jclglobal.org/about-us/vision/