NAB (North American Baptist Mission in Japan)

In November 1951, the first missionaries sent by the North American Baptist Conference arrived in Japan. After two years of language school, they set up the first mission post in Ise City, Mie Prefecture. Church planting in the Tokai and Kansai areas has been our main ministry from that time until the present. University evangelism and English education have also been major parts of our ministry history.
Over the past 63 years, many career and short-term missionaries have been part of the ministry of NAB. We are grateful for those who have paved the way for our current ministry, and we have learned much from them. Presently ministering in southern Osaka, we have four career missionaries: Paul and Melissa Ewing, Shan Reed, and Yuri Nakano.
After NAB missionaries established several churches, the Japanese churches formed the Japan Baptist Conference (日本バプテスト宣教団). We now work alongside this sister organization as we minister in Japan.
Currently, we are continuing the tradition of church planting as we work in Sakai and Izumi Cities in southern Osaka. Although methods of church planting have changed over the years, the focus of planting and watering the seeds of the gospel has not changed. Building relationships continues to be where we pour our energies.
God has guided us through the ups and downs of ministry as we have sought to glorify Him in all that we do. Although we do not know what the future holds, we are looking forward with hope and joy to how He will continue to guide us.
As we look to the future, we have three priorities that are guiding our thoughts, ideas, and ministry:
1. Impact the next community
2. Reach the next nation
3. Equip the next generation
“Impact the next community” involves churches, members, and pastors going outside the walls of our buildings and houses to become involved more directly in the life of the community where God has placed us. We want to be a people who live out the gospel in front of and with our neighbors.
“Reach the next nation” is a call for us to look outside the comfort zone of our own culture to join God where He is at work across the street and around the world. We want to develop relationships that impact not only our own community, but also communities around the globe.
“Equip the next generation” reminds us to be intentional in developing leaders in all stages of life who will continue the call to share the gospel. The future of the community of Jesus-followers is dependent upon developing leaders today.
In the future, we hope to expand the ministry of church planting to include leadership development both in our current churches and in the surrounding communities. Although our current missionary numbers are small, God has blessed us with a variety of gifts and talents that we desire to be used for His glory. We pray more workers will join us in the ministry here in Japan.
The fellowship and cooperative spirit of the mission community in Japan encourages, challenges, and blesses us as we minister here. May God continue to be glorified as we become more unified as followers and servants of Jesus.