New Life Ministries

New Life Ministries was founded in 1954 as a resource for missionaries in Japan to get the literature they needed for evangelism. Since that time, New Life Ministries has grown into a full-scale operation, with three high-speed web presses that, combined, can print 48 Bibles per minute. We print Bibles and gospel literature for ministries here in Japan and for Bible publishers and missionaries around the world.
This year, we celebrate our 60th anniversary as a ministry, having printed countless numbers of Bibles and gospel tracts over the years, with the vision of supplying God’s precious Word to those who truly need it. While we have accomplished much during the past 60 years, there is still much work ahead.
Our ministry has three pillars: the Asia Project, the Manga Project, and the HOPE for LIVING Project.
For the Asia Project, we work especially with partners in the Asian segment of the 10/40 Window, where there are many minority people groups that need the Bible in their heart language, and other groups who simply lack enough Bibles for their Christian population.
The Manga Project focuses on printing and sending our manga to partners around the world. It began with sending The Messiah to partners in Uganda, but due to its universal use, it has extended to prison ministries in the United States and outreach to the Philippines in wake of the 2013 disaster.
Finally, in 2011, New Life Ministries began its HOPE for LIVING Project, a literature distribution effort in the wake of the disaster in Tohoku. After hundreds of thousands of books and booklets were sent to local churches to use in ministry to the disaster victims, New Life Ministries is once again doing HOPE for LIVING in the form of literature ministry alongside food supply programs, this time in Tacloban, Philippines, which was hit hard by a powerful typhoon in November 2013. Many lives were lost and whole neighborhoods destroyed. Many people have become homeless or are living in tents/temporary housing. Churches lost their Bibles and materials for discipling children. This year, we have developed an Evangelistic & Discipleship Program to strengthen 30 churches in Tacloban City as they reach out to the hurting community, focusing particularly on the children. This will be coupled with a food supply program for the kids, thereby providing nourishment for both body and soul. We are continually praying about where God is leading us with this HOPE for LIVING Project, as we see it developing into a disaster response ministry.
We look forward to the day when everyone who needs a Bible has one. Until that day comes, we will continue serving the Lord in this work to which He has called us.
To learn more about the work of New Life Ministries, visit our website at