Problems with online meetings for the visually challenged

The Japan Evangelistic Association for the Visually Challenged (hereafter JEAVC) hosted a seminar about online meetings for both the visually challenged and the sighted. Online meetings became increasingly commonplace during the COVID-19 pandemic and the seminar, held in Yokohama on November 26, 2022, helped those attending explore together what problems visually challenged Christians faced with such meetings.
Tadakatsu Mihei, Chair of JEAVC’s Executive Committee, looked back on the initial stages of the pandemic. In order to hold the Executive Committee meeting in April 2020, he downloaded the Zoom app and created an account. While sorting out the advanced settings, however, he faced one difficulty after another. His screen reading software, a tool for the visually challenged which verbally describes a computer screen, had difficulty comprehending the complicated picture of his screen and would skip some of what was displayed. In the end, having almost given up during the process, he completed the setup by using a few different kinds of reading software. He was then able to ensure each committee member had a microphone, and successfully held the committee meeting online for the first time. He thanked God for the way he enables us to use technology in his work.
Keiko Kageyama, an Executive Committee member of JEAVC, recalled the problems she had during the online worship services at her church. The screen reading software would verbally announce each time someone joined or exited the online meeting room, which greatly distracted her from her worship experience. During another online meeting, when she was asked to speak, she was not able to unmute herself right away. “People were telling me to locate a button on the lower right of the screen, but that did not help me at all. We, the visually challenged, operate the PC by typing on the keyboard,” she said.
In yet another meeting, the hymn numbers and the Scripture verses would be displayed on screen without any verbal announcement, which left her lost. Despite the number of problems she has faced, Keiko appreciates the convenience of meeting people online at home. She shared how important it is to ask questions without reservation when you face problems, and to receive training where needed, in order to make the most of technology.
The meeting concluded with Pastor Fumito Tanaka of Ariake Christ Church preaching from Hebrews 10:25, encouraging the audience to continue meeting together in mutual love and support.
From Christian Shimbun, January 22, 2023
Translated by Atsuko Tateishi