Remembering Christ’s sacrifice in all things

Both of these art pieces have a red acrylic base and are then layered with a pumice stone paint. Once that’s dry, the initial drawing was done with an Indian ink pen. Color was then added over the top with colored pencil. I chose a red base, not only for its contrast with other colors, but also as a reminder of the importance of Christ’s sacrifice in all things. As it says in Acts, God “himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. . . . For in him we live and move and have our being” (17:25, 28 NIV).
#1: Japanese Red Pine found in Aso-Kuju National Park
I created this piece as a way to process the grief and loss I experienced from losing my youngest brother to suicide. Over the years I have found that, on the day of his passing, being in nature and creating art has been a good way to process the day with God. In that place I can simultaneously remember my brother and his love for nature, as well as marvel at God our Creator. When I came across this tree while remembering my brother, I was struck by the beauty of the red bark growing from the gnarled trunk. If you were to only look at the trunk, the tree might seem barely alive, yet when you shift your eyes upward, you’re amazed by the beautiful growth above. Life can often resemble this tree, with a past marred by sin and grief, but by being rooted in Christ, we can experience new growth and healing.

#2: Zinnia (百日草)
This piece was done as a way to relax. I was struck by the form and vibrant colors. God is so creative!

Artwork submitted by author