RJTA (Reaching Japan Together Association)

Reaching Japan Together Association (RJTA) is a receiving agency in Japan. RJTA can connect missionaries from various countries and sending churches or organizations outside of Japan with a wide variety of local ministries and churches within Japan. Members can come via almost any sender. Various senders handle the “home country” side of things like donation management. RJTA places members with a variety of local ministries throughout Japan, not just those led by RJTA members. Under RJTA, a missionary unit is sent by one entity; is placed, received by, and serves in Japan under the auspices of RJTA; and ministers locally with a third entity. Through RJTA, senders and local ministries can be combined in countless ways without sacrificing the autonomy of either sender or local ministry. Guidance and care for first-term missionaries and the field-level interconnection beneficial to experienced missionaries are provided by RJTA. Our desire is to facilitate the God-given ministry vision of each missionary and local ministry.
RJTA seeks to connect each member with a local ministry of compatible vision. We also equip, encourage, and empower each member’s unique calling, gifting, and vision. At the same time, we don’t sacrifice Japan field-level interconnection, support, comradarie, networking, or accountability.
RJTA provides:
- field leadership with “big picture” oversight of RJTA missionaries throughout Japan (supervision/accountability without micromanagement),
- candidate screening,
- customized placement (“matchmaking,” as opposed to “slot filling”),
- Japan-specific information/advice,
- a mission family,
- field conference,
- on-field member care by those with experience in Japan.
We take a flexible approach to elements such as language learning, children’s education, budget/support level/tentmaking, and furlough, addressing each on a case-by-case basis.
Currently RJTA missionaries serve in Tohoku and Kanto. We are involved in relief work, church planting, church encouragement, pastoral care, rural ministry, and friendship evangelism. Our vision and large contact base allow us to place missionaries anywhere in Japan, in almost any ministry role. RJTA is inclusive and broadly interdenominational. We affirm any ministry role for both genders. RJTA places people with ministries led by foreigners as well as those led by Japanese. We encourage experienced members who desire to lead new ministries. When one spouse is Japanese, it is possible for both to join RJTA.
Interested in joining us?
RJTA may especially interest:
- Missionaries sent from countries or by agencies or local churches without much of a presence or experience in Japan.
- Those serving or wishing to serve with a specific local ministry or church.
- Those with complex support situations or a blend of support and tentmaking.
- Those facing a change in an agency’s policy such that an alternative is needed for a missionary to stay in their current ministry.
US–based RJT (Reaching Japan Together) is a partner sending entity founded in 2012 which provides home-country donor processing and similar functions for those with a support base in the US. RJT is the primary, but not sole, sending partner for US–based RJTA missionaries who have no pre-existing sending agency relationship. RJT relies on RJTA to provide in-Japan supervision, screening, placement, and member care of RJT staff in Japan. We welcome exploration of additional potential partnerships with mobilizers as well as sending entities in the US and various countries. Please contact us: rjtajapan@hotmail.com.
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