Simplicity is Best

These days readers are bombarded with information. If you allow unnecessary words to clutter your writing, you may lose your readers. They will pay less attention to each word and begin to skim. “The secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components.”1
Consider which sentence is easier to read:
- “The leaders of the organisation are in the process of doing a complete survey of all their members.”
- “The organisation is doing a survey of all their members.”
Fewer words give authority
Extra words weaken your writing, eroding your reader’s trust in your authority. If you say you were “sort of tired” or “a little distressed”, it sounds like you aren’t sure. Be tired or be distressed. Then your audience can trust you.
Here’s another example: “It is possible that your conclusions are incorrect.” This sounds like the writer is uncertain.
If you change it to “Your conclusions may be incorrect,” you produce a stronger sentence and your reader gains confidence in your authority.
How do I tighten my writing?
Eliminating most adverbs and adjectives is one way to reduce the flabbiness of your writing. Words like “very”, “quite”, and “a little” don’t add much meaning to sentences and are often better left out.
Reading your work aloud will help you find the words that clutter your writing.
Stronger verbs reduce the need for adverbs and strengthen your writing. Instead of “went quickly”, say “dashed” or “hurried”.
Removing concepts that are stated twice will strengthen your work too. Instead of “each and every person”, just use “every”.
In conclusion
Don’t be afraid to be direct. You’ll keep your reader and you’ll sound like you know what you’re talking about.
1. William Zinsser, On Writing Well (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2nd ed.), 1980 .7.