Still Waters Spiritual Retreat
Have you ever wondered what a spiritual retreat might look like?

“Being able to get away for a few days and spend time at beautiful Lake Yamanaka was in itself refreshing, but attending the retreat enhanced the spiritual and physical refreshment I experienced.”
My husband, Peter, and I led the Still Waters Spiritual Retreat, at Yamanaka Chalet from 25–28 May, 2022, with 17 participants.
Our time was spent alone with God, as well as in small groups for reflection and prayer. The biblical reflections focused on the theme of ‘water’, and the retreat included time to share spiritual lessons, as well as to relax and play games.
We participated in Compline, a night service originating in the 6th century, and Lectio Divina, a style of Bible reading and meditation. Retreat participants also had the choice of participating in a:
- Spiritual Awareness Walk: using the five senses to engage with God’s creation and listen for his voice.
- Spiritual Collage: focusing on God through art.
This article shares reflections and comments from some retreat participants.
Time carved out to listen to God
One person said, “What I appreciated about the retreat was the relaxed atmosphere and rhythm. There was a good balance of interaction with other ‘retreaters’ and time spent alone for personal reflection. Each morning we had a short session together as a group to focus our thoughts, followed by personal time to spend quietly meditating, listening to the Lord, journaling, and so on.”
Another wrote, “As with the rest of the world, the past two-and-a-half years have taken a toll on my life. I arrived at Still Waters weary and grieving, desiring a place to truly rest and process. Janet and Peter, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, had prepared such a space. I appreciated the times of reflection and experiencing new spiritual practices. Each one who attended had a story to share and also provided a listening space. I was able to sit with the lover of my soul, cry and laugh, and just be in a beautiful place with fellow travelers on this journey.”
One person commenting on the Spiritual Awareness Walk said, “As I walked and observed the lake, the clouds, the birds, and trees on a blustery, rainy day, I could not see Mount Fuji because it was covered by clouds. [See photo at right.] God spoke to me about the storms of life and reminded me that, even though I could not see Mount Fuji, it was still there. In the same way, when I experience storms in my life, I may not always feel the presence of God, but he is always there. And just like I saw a glimpse of Mount Fuji when there was a break in the clouds, if I look for God in the midst of difficulties, I can see glimpses of him working. Although these revelations were not new to me, the visual reminder gave me a deeper and more lasting impression that is staying with me.”
Reflecting on the cleansing rituals in the temple from Exodus 30, another participant wrote this poem:
The Bronze Basin
The water falls
and I want to flinch—no, not just flinch, but flee
run away and take my shame-stained hands with me
hide them from the gaze of God
before Satan can accuse me
but it is too late
The water flows
over my hands
and through my soul
washing away my shame into the depths of the sea
hidden forever from the gaze of God
Satan comes to accuse me
but it is too late
The water fills me
and I am free.
Exploring the phrase “Come to the waters” in Isaiah 55:1 through collage, one person said, “I was struck by the use of the plural. This doesn’t mean that there are different streams for different people . . . Rather, I think it means that there is LOTS of water for all who are thirsty. No matter how thirsty a person is, there is always enough water available to quench their thirst. So, I looked for pictures with lots of water in them . . . to remind myself that if, or better, when I am thirsty, then I can go to the true and living God of the Bible and have my thirst quenched by His waters.”
Some participants wrestled in prayer as they faced various issues. One said, “I have been facing a very big decision and had no emotional space or time to really pray into it. The retreat was just what I needed. Time away from my busy schedule with space to just sit with Jesus and this decision. While I didn’t totally come to a final decision, I was able to remove the large rocks from the field, so to speak, so I could better face and pray about the issue.”
“Thank you so much for the opportunity during the retreat to come before Jesus. It was a good time for me, and I am very thankful for all your help and guidance during the retreat.” Another said, “I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to attend this retreat and I want to say a big thank you to Janet and Peter Dallman for the gentle and caring way in which they led and guided us. I would highly recommend this retreat.”
If you’ve never taken a spiritual retreat, or wondered what is involved, I hope this article has given you the desire and confidence to take time out with God. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact me.
Photos submitted by author