Japan Harvest writers come from a wide variety of English-speaking countries, with differing rules for written English. To maintain the flavor/flavour of our diverse community, we honor/honour the spellings of each writer’s “English of preference.”
Please contact the administrator for corrections, suggested changes, and additions to this style manual.
Full text of all guidelines on one page: https://japanharvest.org/style-guide-full-text/
- abbreviations
- acronyms
- addresses
- apostrophe
- Bible
- block quotation
- book titles
- books
- brackets (AmE)
- brackets (BrE)
- capitalization
- colons
- commas
- compound words
- contractions
- currency
- dashes
- dates
- editorial comment
- editorial insertion
- ellipsis
- em dash/em rule
- emphasis
- en dash/en rule
- endnotes
- events
- exclamation mark/point
- foreign words
- forward slash
- full stop
- group names
- hyphens
- italic
- Japanese
- Japanese name
- kinship name
- list
- macron
- magazines
- names
- numbers
- organization names
- parentheses
- periods
- place names
- plural
- possessive
- proper nouns
- question marks
- questions
- quotation marks
- quotations
- recent words
- references
- romaji (romanization)
- round brackets (BrE)
- rule
- scripture
- semicolons
- slashes
- solidus
- spelling
- square brackets (BrE)
- street names
- three dots
- times
- titles
- titles of office