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Tagged: discipleship
A challenge to change how we talk with people might prompt us to consider how we relate to others as missionaries
Finding personal security in our identity as a child of God, rather than in our role or other relationships
Mentoring builds personal relationships and fosters spiritual growth
Hope, healing, and restoration in Jesus Christ
Discipleship principles in Matthew and Mark all believers can apply
Utilizing biblical genres for effective discipleship
If making disciples is largely about changing behavior, we must demonstrate the Christ-like actions we desire to see
Walking and talking with our sisters in Christ has helped us become more Christlike
We invite our Japanese friends to join us in an exciting adventure as followers of Jesus Christ
Rethinking discipleship from a biblical perspective will lead to the multiplying fruit we hope to see among the Japanese
Building relationships, connections, and stronger faith among high schoolers
God’s story could reach the whole world in 35 years
Sharing life together to grow Japanese Christians
Teaching Japanese believers using four familiar methods leads to better understanding and sharing
Useful tools shared by members of our JEMA community
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you.” 1 Peter 5:6 ESV
Our cultural context influences how we minister, but our eyes should remain fixed on Christ
Just like the gospel, vision needs to be passed on. But not just any vision—God’s vision!
Can simple church and disciple making movement concepts that have been successful in many other countries take root in Japan?
Are you looking for some practical handles to begin mobilizing workers for evangelism and discipleship in Japan?
It’s also a way to disciple
Mobilizing Japanese to reach Japan
These biblical and practical guidelines can help you plan and improve online discipling