Tagged: faith
Finding treasures in darkness
We found hope in God as things went from bad to worse for my mom during the covid pandemic
God is transforming me through Japan
Forty years of his faithfulness changed my source of strength and self-worth
A leap of faith into the local preschool
God called us trust him by sending our son to a local preschool when he couldn’t speak Japanese. Many blessings have flowed from that step of faith.
Lessons from Japan’s early Christians
Last year, I joined a tour of the filming location for Silence, a movie based...
Remembering our prayers
God always hears our prayers, and he always answers them. How, then, do we acknowledge his response?
In a land where they are a vast minority, Japanese Christians need to understand God’s great love for them.
Living in the Fullness of His Truth
A missionary colleague arrived one Sunday evening for some downtime, a coffee, and some good...