Tagged: honor/shame
The collectivist nature of sin and the gospel
In Japan, the repercussions of infringing on social norms often extend further than the individual who committed them
God covers our nakedness
The Old Testament contains powerful imagery for communicating the gospel in a shame culture
Freedom from shame before the dead
“They could not bear the shame of letting down the ancestors by discontinuing their Buddhist memorial services”
Saving faith is saving face
Seeing mankind’s condition in light of Japan’s shame culture is a bridge for communicating the gospel
A Japanese theologian’s perspective on suffering
Honor and shame in Kitamori’s Theology of the Pain of God
Jesus is our model in discipleship
Our cultural context influences how we minister, but our eyes should remain fixed on Christ
How to restore honour with the gospel
Three missionaries from Germany learned together about shame and how to preach about it
Practical ministry in honour–shame cultures
Introducing a helpful book about ministry outside of Western cultures
Why are Japanese people so honest?
You’re far more likely to recover a lost wallet in Japan than in many other countries
The importance of face in Japan
It's important to be there and to be careful what emotions we show on our face
Fragmented Identity
I once asked a Japanese Christian why she didn’t invite work friends to church. She...