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Tagged: mental health
Putting my children’s lives totally in the Lord’s hand causes me to pray and trust in God in new ways!
A sudden panic attack prompted a series of steps for better self-care and understanding
Cultural aspects of Japanese society can psychologically affect individuals, but identity in Christ can bring freedom
A child psychiatrist and a university professor give their thoughts on the state of mental health in Japan
An aid worker’s journey to understand trauma and mental health for disaster victims
None of us are immune to burnout, but certain actions and mindsets will help us recognize the warning signs and ultimately prevent it
Navigating my family’s mental health struggles from afar
Tools for self-counseling and mental health self-care
Childhood trauma can impact us unexpectedly, but awareness can help us cope well
Spending time with Jesus, in nature, with fellow travellers on the journey in Japan is time well spent
Mental health issues often hide underlying spiritual roots
How one missionary has coped with depression over many years of service
It’s important to get equipped
A missionary’s struggle with her calling to Japan and her calling as a mother in the midst of her teenager’s struggle with mental illness
The embrace of God’s people helped me to come through burnout
An easy-to-read book of life-giving principles to find more peace in your missionary life
Studies show that writing can help you deal with hard things