TCK Resources

The ultimate book on TCKs
For more than a decade, Third Culture Kids has been the authority on “TCKs”—children of those who live and work abroad. With a significant part of their developmental years spent outside of their passport countries, TCKs create their own, unique “third” cultures. Authors Pollock and Van Reken pioneered the TCK profile, which brought to light the emotional and psychological realities that come with the TCK journey. Through inter-
views and personal writings, this new, expanded edition explores the challenges and benefits that TCKs encounter. Highlighting dramatic changes brought about by instant communication and ever-evolving mobility patterns, Third Culture Kids reveals the hidden diversity in our world, and challenges our traditional notions of identity and “home”—and shows us how the TCK experience is becoming increasingly common and valuable.
Helping children appreciate bicultural living
In our Fall 2011 issue, on page 36, Flossie Epley wrote about ways to help kids appreciate their bicultural lifestyles. To read it, either you can view it on her blog at (shortened URL), or you can go to and use the button on the righthand column marked “Japan Harvest Magazine: Click here to view back issues” to find the Fall 2011 issue (Vol. 63 No. 2). Viewing back issues of Japan Harvest is a free benefit for registered members of JEMA.
Raising Resilient MKs:
Resources for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers
This book contains the collected wisdom of 38 authors who wrote the 56 chapters. It was the collaborative effort of ACSI; Interaction, Inc.; and Mission Training International (MTI); and provides resources for people who have responsibility for MKs and other TCKs. You can download it for free at
Becca McMartin’s TCK Seminars
CAJ’s Web site hosts four videos from McMartin’s workshops in 2010 at You can also find an annotated bibliography of TCK resources there, which includes books, videos, and links.
TCK Basics Part 1 & 2
A lecture on TCK basics, in English with Japanese translation. (About an hour each.)
TCK Identity Parts 1 & 2
An interactive session in which McMartin answers many questions from parents. This is very helpful, but is in English only. (About an hour each.)
Interaction International
Interaction International is a resource of programs, services, and publications that provide and contribute to the care of TCKs and internationally mobile families.
They host seminars, such as:
Transition Seminar
Help for high school and college students transitioning to North America and to life beyond.
Pre-field Educational Planning Seminar
Equipping parents to understand, plan for, and meet the educational needs of their children.
MK Caregiver Seminar
An interactive training seminar that examines the basic issues related to Missionary Kid (MK) care, and helps one assess where one’s agency is at and develop a clear vision for MK care.
Re-Entry Refresher
A seminar for adults focusing on the transition back “home.”
Interaction International publish a magazine called Among Worlds, which addresses issues that many adult TCKs face: relationships, grief, transitions, home, values, and more.
They also have a list of books for children about TCK issues, as well as a significant list of books for internationally mobile adults.
You can visit their Web site to learn more about these and other resources they have to offer at
Want even more?
You can find many more resources at, though some of the links are out of date.
All of the links mentioned in this article are listed online at for your ease of use.