The Anointing

One of the greatest joys in serving Christ is those special times when you sense that the Holy Spirit is with you in an extraordinary way.
One day I was invited to speak at a Buddhist university. I debated with my manager whether I should go.
The university assured me I could speak freely, that there would be no restrictions. They told me that as a Christian and a minister I would be free to talk about Christ.
When I arrived at the venue, I found an assembly hall filled with nearly 1,000 students. A kind man met with me briefly about the schedule and then left.
As I stood up on the podium to speak I felt the presence of Jesus in a way I had not sensed for some time. I found this particularly strange as I was speaking at a Buddhist university, but as I began to speak the anointing became stronger and stronger. The presence of the Holy Spirit filled the room and I could sense that God was there.
I finished and had a wonderful opportunity to share Christ as well as keep the attention of the notoriously difficult student crowd.
Puzzled, but of course rejoicing at the presence of the Holy Spirit, I was driven to the station and boarded the train home.
On the train my cell phone rang. It was the man I had briefly met and who apparently had arranged the event. He apologized, “I am so sorry I couldn’t see you before you left,” he began. Then he told me an amazing story.
“Thank you so much for coming today. I am a believer. A few years back I received an invitation to work at the Buddhist university and I struggled with it, but felt God calling me to be a witness for Him. I am so sorry I missed you, but the whole time you were speaking I was directly behind you praying as you spoke.”
Tears flowed down my cheeks, as I finally understood the “anointing!” Here was a believer in Christ, called by love to serve his mission field at a Buddhist university, and then God moved.
We never know where God will put us for His glory, and in His plan.
The “anointing” comes, even at a Buddhist university!