The Seed Sower

As I left the station, an Asian girl with a big, black Bible inscribed with gold letters caught my eye. I stopped and asked if she was a Christian, motioning to her Bible. She addressed me as “Sister Susan” in her broken English. We talked for a few minutes and she gave me a tract as we parted ways.
This has never happened to me before. In all our years of living in Japan, I have never received a gospel tract with a clear salvation message and Scripture verses.
This Filipino woman, married to a Japanese man, challenged me that day. Her warmth and friendliness drew me in. Her easy manner and genuine care made a deep impression. Her eagerness to make sure I walked away with a little piece of paper that explained the clear message of the gospel made me think hard about my own life.
Even though I wear the label of “missionary,” I still find it hard to be bold and forward enough to start a conversation with a stranger—or even just hand them a tract. My wonderful husband, on the other hand, amazes me; or rather, God amazes me through him. He has the unmistakable gift of evangelism. Any time non-Christians come onto his radar I see him tune in, looking for a natural way to connect to them. His heart beats for those who have never heard. He can talk easily with people on the train. He can share even just a hint of God in his life within a few minutes of conversation with a complete stranger. And the person leaves smiling and blessed, never offended or taken aback.
As I read the parable of the four soils in Mark recently, God reminded me that I am the farmer. My simple job is to scatter seeds . . . and lots of them. It is His job to help that seed take root, and it is His responsibility whether fruit comes from my labor or not. I just faithfully scatter.
My tract bearing “angel” challenged me that day. Or rather, God challenged me through her. He is always working on me, little by little, easing me out of my comfort zone, and arming me with boldness and confidence. After all, He is the one who sent me here and He is the one whose work it is. Thankfully, He also is the one who will accomplish it, one little seed at a time.
Through this experience, God has prompted me to be more purposeful in sharing the gospel with strangers I meet in everyday life. I wrote a short tract of my personal testimony. Tied to an American tea bag with a ribbon, I now have a small “gift” to give Japanese I connect with—whether it is someone who helps me with directions on a train platform or a clerk I often see at the grocery store.
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