What’s the benefit of JEMA?
Each member of JEMA brings something that increases the effectiveness of the organization

In very recent years, we have seen a sizable increase in JEMA membership—mission members, associate members, and endorsed ministries. I’m often asked by those inquiring about membership privileges, “What is the benefit for us/me in joining JEMA?” My answer is “The value you receive is the sum total of what you and each member bring to the table to share.”
Each person, mission, or ministry that chooses to join increases the wisdom and experience bank of the JEMA community and adds to the synergy and momentum of the spreading of the gospel among such a large unreached people group. We need your iron to sharpen ours (Prov. 27:17), and I sincerely believe your iron will be sharpened by the skills, insights, creativity, wisdom, passion, and common burden of your fellow members as well (1 Thess. 5:11–24).
Access to resources and community
Large majorities of our members can be found in the various nuclei of the metropolitan areas of Japan and consequently reap the benefits of small communities of missionaries that provide fellowship, encouragement, and interdependency. However, there are many who are more removed from these areas where higher concentrations of JEMA members are. In general, there is a degree of independence and determination that keeps those in more isolated areas going, but a word of encouragement and access to a network of relationships and beneficial resources can sometimes mean the difference between thriving in ministry or struggling. I know this from experience and realize the importance of those who see this and appreciate it.
Being intentional about connection
We want to be ever intentional about each member of JEMA feeling they are a valued member of the mission community here. One of our initiatives over the last two to three years is to be more intentional about establishing stronger connections with all of our members, wherever they are working. Representatives of the JEMA Leadership Team have been trying to hold regional gatherings of missionaries (JEMA members and nonmembers alike) who would like to come together for a half-day of networking. In this gathering, we reintroduce what JEMA is today as benefits have significantly increased over the last few years. Many of our longtime members aren’t even aware of the numerous resources and opportunities available to them. For others who are just learning of the existence of JEMA, this serves as a great introduction to the JEMA network. In this same gathering, we also strive to hear about and understand the ministries you are involved in, realizing that you each have valuable insights and experience that benefit many others in this 1,200-member-strong community of Protestant missionaries. We give updates on the types of endorsed ministries in the JEMA network, access to member care, prayer networks, ministries to missionary women, and missiological resources, including an added benefit of access to larger ministry and missiological networks that JEMA partners with, at no extra cost to our members. We also want to hear what creative ideas you have or needs you might see where JEMA can serve you better!
For those interested in when the next JEMA gathering will be in your area, please reach out to president@jema.org.
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thess. 5:11 NIV).
Nathan Snow
Photo of the JEMA Leadership Team submitted by author