Where the fragrance of coffee and Christ blend: Little Light Church

Little Light Church is situated in Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture. When American missionaries told the director of a local pediatric clinic, who was also a Christian, that they wanted to plant a church, he told them that they could use the clinic’s waiting room. Little Light Church began life there.
The current pastor of Little Light Church is Josiah Henderson, originally from California. After graduating from high school, he attended seminary, where he was given the desire to go to Japan as a missionary. He felt a connection to Japan since his mother is Japanese-American. He had also experienced suicidal thoughts as a result of his depression, which is a common problem in Japanese society. When he learned that there were many people in Japan also going through the struggles he went through, he felt led to share the love of God with them.
Josiah and his wife, Noel, who is Japanese and who also happened to sit at the desk next to him in seminary, first moved to Karuizawa. They eventually moved to Takasaki, where Josiah has served as Little Light’s pastor since 2022. The church has particularly drawn families with young children and people with an international background.
The café, Little Light Coffee, was established in 2019. Most of the employees are Christian. It is their aim to “become a light and to develop good relationships with each of the customers so that everyone can build a relationship with God.”
Josiah worked at Starbucks while he was studying. This is where his love for coffee was cultivated. After graduating from seminary, he became the manager at one of their newly opened cafés and trained others to become baristas there. “The café later closed, but I believe God gave me that opportunity to learn the necessary skills and knowledge for running a café,” says Josiah.
Customers travel from near and far to visit Little Light Coffee. The café is known for its good quality coffee. “Through providing good quality coffee at the café, we are able to bring glory to God.”
The café and church work hand-in-hand, and together they are the essential parts of the ministry. Various people visit both the café and church. Some café visitors may be familiar with the church, and others may not have any interest at all, but having both allows for the gospel to be shared with a broader audience.
“Some people are lonely or just want to chat. It is our desire that more people like this come to the church and café and hear the gospel naturally.”
One customer was led to baptism after taking part in a Bible study held at the café. “When we witnessed that, it was like God was giving us confirmation to run both the church and café.”
From Christian Shimbun, September 23, 2023
Translated by Grace Koshino