Why business managers are important
Dealing with ministry expenses is part of ministry too

It was a hot and sweaty summer morning as I rode my bike uphill to my office. I went past the same houses, the same Buddhist idols that I always do. As I biked, I asked myself, What am I doing here in Japan? What significance is it to be the business manager for a mission organization?
One of my responsibilities as business manager is to approve payment for reimbursements for ministry expenses. In May 2016, SEND Japan set a goal called Engage Kanto 5/30 Initiative which is: “To actively engage in the startup of five new reproducing churches in Kanto by 2030. To accomplish this goal, we will cooperate with existing churches and deploy thirty SEND disciple-makers to this initiative.”
Last year, the Engage Kanto leaders initiated a church planting team that went to minister to a church at Otsuki Gospel Church for their first Group-in-Training ministry event.
One of the participants said, “The church we went to does not have a pastor and is kept going by its members. It is in a small valley town that has very few Christians. Our event was designed to be an encouragement to the members and transition to an outreach event if any non-believers came. The church member we were working with was hoping and praying non-Christians would come, but was not very confident they would.”
The participants submitted expense claims for their travel and some food. The expenses were not that significant, but nevertheless there were expenses. The ministry could not have happened if someone did not pay for the travel to get there. Overseas donors gave so that these missionaries could go to this remote town and teach other believers how to plan for an outreach.
In the end nearly ten people came, including one non-Christian who had never been there before.
When I write “Okay to pay” on ministry expenses like this I am a part of the ministry. I know that biking uphill to my office was worth it as I am, in my role of business manager, just one part of seeing the gospel being shared, and believers being discipled.