Women in Ministry: retreats in Kanto and Kansai
Women who serve in Japan were blessed at JEMA’s annual WIM retreats

Refreshment in Kanto
By Edie Town
Each year in early March, women in the Kanto region gather for a two-night retreat for refreshment, and encouragement. The retreat is organized by JEMA’s Women in Ministry committee. This year we had 64 women gather together at Okutama Fukuin no Ie. Our theme, “Being Renewed,” was evident in the speakers’ messages, the decorations, and the overall flavor of the retreat.
The theme verse was Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (NIV). We learned that we need to change our thought life to fill our minds with God’s word and know what his perspective on our situation is, instead of following what the world is promoting.
We had women from a variety of cultures and countries, from America, Switzerland, and Sweden, to Malaysia, Uganda, and New Zealand. It didn’t matter where we originated from; we had similar needs, hopes, dreams, and struggles. Especially, we found a common need for friendships where there is honesty and transparency.
Our speaker, Carol Miyake, shared with us the difficult time she had as a new missionary. She and her husband came to Japan thinking they were going to language school before they got started in ministry. However, they were immediately tasked with teaching English and he with working as a chaplain. Her husband had a busy schedule, and even if she wanted to talk with neighbors, she didn’t have the language ability. Her need for friendship was not met until she found another missionary woman whom she could meet and pray with regularly. Before this happened, however, she experienced an array of negative emotions, unfulfilled expectations, and fears about how she would fit in and be used. She came hoping to use her skills and training as a counselor, and yet she disappointedly found that she could not. We heard about her learning process of opening her heart and mind to God and also about her coming to a place of peace with her own childhood difficulties. She challenged us to seek our own peace through prayers of confession and releasing.
Along with Carol, we were blessed to have a team of women ministering to us from the United States. Bethany Chang, a worship leader in her church, led our praise time. It was uplifting to sing together in English, joining our voices as one. Rhonda Gee, a counselor who had previously joined us at this retreat in 2012 and 2014, was there to listen and help those who needed encouragement in such things as life transitions, depression, anxiety, parenting, marriage and relational concerns, and grief. Eileen Nielsen, who lives and ministers in Japan, as well as Eun-hyey Lok, also came as counselors.
Sharon Harada and Denise Maeda, from Ascent Christian Fellowship, came to pray alongside any women who had special concerns or needs. Judy Steier, from Barnabas International, presented a workshop entitled, “Journeying into Grace,” a well-presented talk on the difference between living our Christian life under obligation, duty and ritual, or in the freedom of the grace of God’s abundant love.
During free time on our second day, some women took time to go to a nearby onsen while others hiked on the forested hillsides enjoying fresh air, streams and plum trees in bloom. Many enjoyed a craft session with paper, beads, and complex coloring pages. We also enjoyed an accessory swap.
Nozomi Project joined us, selling their recycled bone china pieces made into necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Ladies from Megumi Project also came with items for sale made from silk kimonos.
Each year when we meet together we rediscover the diversity of who we are and what we do. We are united in our lives as international women, but even more so in our love for Jesus, desiring that his name be worshipped throughout Japan.
We had many “newbies” join us this year, and some were surprised at how blessed they were to be a part of this well-organized retreat. Will you join us next year, March 1-3, 2017? We look forward to having Liz Curtis Higgs, well-known author of more than 30 books and sought-after conference speaker, come to minister. Please come! We’d love to share with you the blessings of this retreat.
Renewed in Kansai
By Robin Shaw
Kansai held its second annual JEMA Women in Ministry (WIM) Day Retreat on March 7, 2016 in Kobe. Thirty-five women who live and do ministry in and around the Kansai region gathered for fellowship and teaching. The theme of the retreat, “Being Renewed,” was woven into all the messages and activities through the day. Sue Barclay, UK theologian and missionary, led women through Paul’s letter to the Colossians. Sue encouraged the women, as Paul encouraged the church at Colossae, to be renewed in their circumstances by the Word of God, a fresh vision of Christ’s majesty, and fellowship with other Christians.
Local missionaries, Michelle Jackson and Rachel Hughes, also ran a dynamic workshop about ministering through storytelling. Prayer corners and fellowship were also available throughout the day during break times.
“I think we were all blessed,” said Erika Grabowski, WIM Kansai Retreat Coordinator, “It’s always good to spend time in God’s presence, worshipping together, and listening to what God has to say to us in our ordinary lives and to know that God is there in our ordinary. It was really special.”
Keep your eyes open for next year’s retreat date.