Women Preachers’ Network

While the Japanese church typically has many more women than men, their preachers are, more often than not, men. In an attempt to even out the situation, the Tokyo Prayer Center (TPC) took the initiative to launch the TPC Woman Messenger Group (TWMG). On March 21, 2014, the TWMG held their inaugural meeting at TPC.
During the meeting, Toshiharu Wake, Director of TPC, explained how the TWMG was birthed. Since its start in December 2011, TPC has been holding daily midday worship on the 4th floor of Ochanomizu Christian Center. Through March 2014, some 200 people have served as preachers, of whom about 30 were women. Wake saw that there are a number of excellent female preachers. He felt the need to utilize their talent more for spreading the gospel and nurturing Christians in Japan.
Thus, the 30 women who have preached at TPC formed the TWMG to equip and network female preachers. From now on TPC intends to have women preachers 30% of the time for its midday worship.
Following Wake’s speech, Miyuki Yasuda, President of the TWMG and pastor of Independent Bible Church, shared how she was saved and was called to plant a church. Then Yumi Ohtsuka, Lecturer of JTJ Seminary preached from John 21:15-19 on restoration and calling. Finally, Yuichiro Nakano, Advisor to TPC, spoke about his expectations for the TWMG.
In addition to pastors, pastor’s wives, house church leaders, and mission organization staff members, the TWMG members include business owners and artists. The immediate goal of the group is to expand its membership to 50. The group will respond to requests for sending female preachers, help to develop younger female preachers, and publish a monthly newsletter.
For information about TWMG, contact TPC at 03-5577-6365.
From Christian Shimbun, April 16, 2014
Excerpt translated by Atsuko Tateishi