Issue: Spring 2022
Rest in the face of pressure
When the work before us seems overwhelming, we can find reminders in Scripture of the sustaining goodness of God
Four steps to finding spiritual rest
We live in a culture where busyness is applauded, yet that busyness exhausts us. Here’s a way to cope.
A monthly day of prayer
Why not start next month with a day dedicated to extended communion and rest with God?
A lesson from a grandfather clock
What can we, and especially singles, learn from a grandfather clock about rest?
In quietness shall be your strength
But what if God is more pleased if I do not accomplish one more thing but choose rather to rest with him?
When doing nothing does not equate to resting
Finding rest in God requires us to change the way we think, not just find new scheduling techniques
Talking with a Japanese pastor about rest
A missionary interviewed the Japanese pastor at his church and discovered some interesting factors
Review of Staying Well
This new book specifically addresses the struggles of ministering in Japan and helps readers identify hazards and strategies for health in their personal context
The life cycle of a Japan Harvest article
Publishing a magazine is a complicated process—our managing editor explains how we do it
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE) launched its first team to Kyushu in...
Resilience: How Japanese Pastors Can Thrive in Every Season
John Houlette (Three Stream Ministries, 2020). 175 pp. John Houlette, Asian Access missionary and director...
70th anniversary hi-b.a. conference
Vision for all 47 prefectures Two missionaries, Ken Clark and John Meyer, started hi-b.a. Japan...
Tim Selander and broadcasting evangelism in Japan
Contrary to his plan to work in Japan for only two years, Tim Selander has...