Japanese vocabulary for the pandemic
Words and phrases that are usually the domain of epidemiologists have been commonly used during the pandemic. Here’s a selection of them along with their English translations.

Only God is infinite! The Japanese language is not. This has encouraged me when I’ve been overwhelmed by the number of words I’ve had to learn. Another encouragement is that God created languages; they didn’t just happen. In fact, he created them to judge human pride and sin (Gen. 11). The gospel, which we have been sent to Japan to teach, saves from sin and its effects, so can we not ask in confidence that God would help us with our language study?
While locked down in South Africa for three months in 2020, I thought we ought to start learning words related to the pandemic before returning to Japan. Once obscure words are now used every day. For instance, how many of us ever used any of the “three Cs” of 密閉 (みっぺい—closed in), 密集 (みっしゅう—crowding), and 密接 (みっせつ—close contact) before?
Pandemic Japanese is a moving target—the words we need are changing frequently. This list was compiled in 2020 and doesn’t contain vaccine-related words. But perhaps I’ll inspire you to start your own list? And you know what? If you keep learning you will have less to learn, because only God is infinite!
We started learning Japanese 34 years ago and are still learning. I initially compiled this list for our own benefit but then felt it might benefit other missionaries as well. I hope it helps you, too.
Related words are grouped under headings and important words (underlined) have example phrases. These examples were taken from Japanese news reports and emails. Sometimes, I’ve used quite literal, rather stilted English translations to make the Japanese more understandable.
Infection by the virus
感染 Infection
感染症 Infectious disease
感染者 Infected person
感染者数 The number of infected people
新規感染者数 The number of newly infected people
感染している To be infected
感染しても無症状の人 Infected people who don’t exhibit symptoms
感染拡大を防ぐ To curb the spread of the infection
不特定多数への感染拡大の恐れがある There is a risk of the infection spreading to a large number of unidentified people
新型コロナウィルスの感染が広がる The novel coronavirus is spreading
メンバーが新型コロナウィルス感染から守られるように In order to protect members from the novel coronavirus
感染率が上昇または下降しているか確認する To determine if the infection rate is increasing or decreasing
集団感染(クラスター) Infection of a group (a cluster of infections)
感染爆発(オーバーシュート) A surge in infections
感染経路はわかっていない The transmission path hasn’t been determined
57人が飲食店関係の感染です 57 people have been infected in restaurants
5人の感染が判明した Five infections have been identified (confirmed)
発生 Outbreak
クラスターが発生している疑いがある A cluster is suspected to have broken out.
このうち11人はクラスターが確認された「接待を伴う飲食店」を訪れていました。 Of those, 11 had visited a nightclub [literally, “a restaurant with entertainment”] where a cluster was confirmed.
指数 Exponent
指数的 Exponential
指数関数的な増え方 Exponential growth
罹患 Contracting a disease
コロナウイルス感染症に罹患された方々 People who have contracted the coronavirus (polite/formal)
潜伏 Incubation
潜伏期間 Incubation period
潜伏期間と無症状の違いは? What’s the difference between being in the incubation period and being asymptomatic?
重症者 The seriously ill
流行 Prevalence, spread, epidemic
新型コロナウィルス流行 The spread of the novel coronavirus
第2波の流行が起こっている The second wave is occurring
重症急性呼吸器症候群(サーズ) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
遺伝子学的に近縁であること Genetically close
宿主動物 Host animal (e.g., bats)
飛沫 Droplet(s)
飛沫感染 Infection via droplets
治癒 Recovery
患者の8割は重症化に至らず治癒するようです It seems that 80% of patients recover without getting severe symptoms
沈静化 Settle down, subside
コロナウィルスが、沈静化して1日も早くお会いしたいです I want to meet as soon as this pandemic is under control.
収束 Returning to normal
その時点で事態が収束する可能性は極めて低い。 The possibility of returning to normal at that point is extremely low.
収束の見通しは見えないままです There is still no end in sight
終息 To end, to be resolved
コロナが終息することを祈っています。 Praying for the end of the coronavirus pandemic.
まだまだ予断を許さない状況が続いている The unpredictable situation continues.
防止、予防 Prevention
感染防止策 Measures to prevent infection
コロナウィルスの感染防止のために For the sake of preventing infection
ソーシャル・ディスタンシング Social distancing
密集 Crowding, 密閉 Closed in tightly, 密接 Close contact (three Cs)
住民が密集しないため So that people don’t crowd
密集回避へ To avoid congestion
密集の解消方法として As a way to avoid congestion
密集が生まれている現状 Situations that give rise to crowding
密閉・密集・密接の「3密」に該当しないところ Places where the three mitsu (or three Cs) don’t occur
外出 Going out, leaving home
外出はせずに自宅にとどまるよう呼びかけました (They) asked people not to go out but to stay at home
自粛 Self-restraint
外出自粛の呼び掛け A call to refrain from going out
外出自粛に関連した生活情報 Information pertaining to life under self-restraint
やむを得ず外出する場合でも Even if you have to go out
人ごみを避ける To avoid crowds
頻繁な手洗い Frequent handwashing
こまめな手洗いを行うようにしましょう Let’s wash our hands frequently
消毒 Disinfection, sterilization
手指の消毒設備の設置 The installation of hand-disinfectant equipment
消毒薬 Disinfectant
うがい Gargling
接触 Contact (with people)
接触率の低減や感染の拡大防止に寄与するため To contribute to reducing the proportion of contacts and preventing the spread of infection
濃厚接触者 Close contacts (people)
濃厚接触者の把握を含める Includes the identification of close contacts
着用する To wear
周りの人にうつさないようにマスクを着用する To wear a mask to protect nearby people from infection
防疫 Prevention of epidemics
新型コロナウィルスによる防疫的側面からの教会の活動の制限 Restrictions on church activities to prevent the spread of coronavirus
収まる To be contained, to be dealt with
新型コロナウィルスの感染が一刻も早く収まるよう、祈っています。 Praying that the coronavirus pandemic will be contained as quickly as possible.
予防 Precautions
感染症の予防 Precautions against infectious diseases
新型コロナウィルス予防対策として30分礼拝を2回で行っている。 As a precaution against the coronavirus pandemic, (we) are having two 30-minute services.
「おうちで過ごそう」 “Let’s stay home”
それはデマです It’s a false rumour
Government policies
新型インフルエンザ等対策特別措置法 National Action Plan for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases
緊急事態 State of emergency (in Japan, based on the above act)
非常事態 State of emergency (in other countries, where the measures tend to be more dictatorial and may involve the suspension of rights and even martial law)
緊急事態宣言 Declaration of a state of emergency
蔓延 Spread of a disease, rampancy
政府から新型コロナウィルス蔓延に対応した「緊急事態宣言」が出されました The government has declared a state of emergency to stop the spread of the virus
危機管理 Crisis management
検疫 Quarantine (compulsory)
空港の検疫 Quarantine at airport
検疫官 A quarantine officer
隔離 Isolation, quarantine
14日間の自主隔離実施 Implementation of 14-day self-isolation
個人宅で自主隔離しなくてはならない Must self-isolate at home
隔離措置の緩和が早すぎると If the easing of self-isolation measures is premature
隔離されている感覚が減る Sense of isolation decreases
医療崩壊 Collapse of the medical system
医療崩壊が声高に叫ばれている Are clamouring about the collapse of the medical system
医療崩壊が起きるリスクに直面した Faced the risk of the medical system collapsing
克服 Victory over, overcome
コロナ禍を克服しても Even if the coronavirus crisis has been overcome
コロナ克服への思い Thinking how to overcome this crisis
危機を克服している韓国 Korea, which is overcoming this crisis
不要不急 Non-essential and non-urgent
封鎖 Blockade, lockdown
新型コロナによる経済封鎖は解除すべき The economic lockdown due to the virus should be ended
要請 Appeal, request
外出自粛を要請する (We) strongly request that you refrain from going out
催し物の開催自粛の要請について Concerning the request for self-restraint in the hosting of events
県をまたいで移動することは自粛するよう要請します (We) ask you to restrain yourself from crossing prefectural borders.
緩和 Relaxation, mitigation
現在の都市封鎖を緩和する To relax the current urban lockdown
政府がソーシャル・ディスタンシングを緩和する The government will relax social distancing
強化 Strengthen
政府は規制の強化を再検討する必要がある The government needs to reconsider strengthening regulations
徹底 Thoroughness, consistency
県では予防策の徹底などを呼びかけています The prefectural government is calling for a tightening of preventative measures
店名公表を検討したい To consider publishing the name of the store
抑止力のため For the sake of deterrence
イベントの禁止を、8月31日まで延長した The ban on events was extended until August 31
在宅勤務 Working from home/remote work
出社禁止 It’s prohibited to go to the office
保健所 Health-care center
国立感染症研究所予算 The budget of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases
厚生労働省 (abbreviated to 厚労省) The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
顧問団 Advisory body, think tank
働き方改革関連法の改正 The reform of work-related laws
患者や家族、濃厚接触者、隣人、知人などについて、人権や個人情報の保護にご理解とご配慮をお願いいたします We ask for your understanding and consideration to protect the human rights and personal information of patients, family members, close contacts, neighbors, and acquaintances.
Clinical words, symptoms
臨床 Clinical
臨床症状 Clinical condition
臨床研究 Clinical research
即入院となった Immediate admission to a hospital
即入院して手術した方がいい It is best to be admitted immediately for an operation
診断 Diagnosis
新型コロナウィルス感染症と診断された Diagnosis of a novel coronavirus infection
症状 Symptoms
感染が疑われるが症状は出ていない Showing no symptoms though infection is suspected
見逃されている無症状感染者 Infected but asymptomatic people who are overlooked
発症 Outbreak of an illness, appearance of symptoms
発症してから1週間 One week after outbreak
脳梗塞を発症する To suffer a stroke
同じ団地に住む5人が発症発症し、うち1人が重症と発表した。 It was announced that in the same housing complex, five people showed symptoms and one of them is seriously ill.
市で発症者が確認された Symptomatic people were confirmed in the city
発熱 Start of a fever
倦怠感 Fatigue
全身の倦怠感を訴える To complain of whole-body fatigue
だるい Feeling lethargic, sluggish
関節痛 Joint pain
筋肉痛 Muscular pain
咳 Cough
痰 Phlegm
肺炎 Pneumonia
呼吸困難 Labored breathing
味覚障害 Loss of sense of taste
味覚障害を訴える患者さん Patients complaining of the loss of the sense of taste
嗅覚障害 The loss of the sense of smell
集中治療室 Intensive care unit (ICU)
解析 Analysis
感染者の解析によれば According to an analysis of infected persons
頻度 Frequency (of occurrence)
頻度が高いようです Appears to be frequent
人工呼吸器 Ventilator
人工呼吸器をつけられた後、死亡した。(He) was connected to a ventilator and later died.
集中治療室で人工呼吸器をつけて治療を受ける To receive treatment by ventilator in the ICU
5,500台の人工呼吸器を確保している To acquire 5,500 ventilators
重症化する事例 Cases with worsening symptoms
増強 Increase
症状が悪化し入院に至った Symptoms worsened until they were hospitalized
改善 Betterment, improvement
症状が改善して退院した人 People who were discharged from hospital because their symptoms improved
持病 Chronic disease, pre-existing condition
基礎疾患 Underlying disease
糖尿病などの持病があった Had pre-existing conditions like diabetes
致命的 Fatal
致命的な弱者たち People who are so weak they may die
致命的な病気 Fatal disease
致死率 Mortality rate
Medical words, tests, medicine
無作為抽出 Random sampling
政府は無作為抽出検査で新型コロナウィルスの感染者数の調査を始める。 The government will start a survey to test a random sample of people for the virus infection
感染学者 Infectious disease expert (epidemiologist)
病原体 Pathogen
院内感染 Infection occurring in a hospital, institution
院内感染の疑い Suspected infection within a hospital
院内感染の深刻な実態 The serious situation of infections occurring inside hospitals
実効再生産数(Rt) Effective reinfection rate
感染症のRt値が1ということは、1人の感染者が平均で1人に直接感染させるという意味だ。 R is one when one person infects one other person on average
本ツールで実効再生産数を求めることはできません (We) don’t have the tools to find Rt
行動変容 Change of behaviour
人間の行動変容などが要因となり、感染症のRt値は変化する可能性がある。 It is possible for the value of Rt to be changed by changes people make to their lifestyles
暴露 Exposure
免疫 Immunity
「R0」とは、ある感染症に対する免疫をもたない集団が初めて病原体に暴露した場合の感染症の感染力を示す。R0 indicates the spreading power of the disease when a group without immunity is first exposed.
曝す To expose
新型コロナに曝された可能性 Possibility (they) were exposed to the novel coronavirus
新型コロナウィルスへの暴露後に人々が免疫を獲得できれば If after exposure to the novel coronavirus, people acquire immunity…
「日本人は既に集団免疫を獲得している ‘The Japanese have already acquired herd immunity’
カギを握るのは「訓練免疫」という新発見だ The key we have is a new discovery called ‘trained immunity’.
免疫力を高めるには In order to increase resistance
BCG接種により自然免疫が訓練されて強化 Strengthening of the natural immunity by training with the BCG vaccination
陽性と陰性 Positive and negative
陽性と判明した (They) tested positive
陰性と出る To get a negative result
偽陰性 False negative
偽陽性 False positive
抗体 Antibody
抗体産生 Antibody production
PCR検査や抗体検査などを「適材適所」で行うべきだ PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and antibody tests should be done to “the right person in the right place”
抗体保有者調査 Survey of people who have antibodies
血中に抗体を持っている To have antibodies in (your) blood
抗体検査では「偽陽性」と出ること False positives appearing in antibody tests
検体 Specimen
東北では、500検体のうち最大2検体、0.4%が陽性だったという In the Tohoku region in Japan, a maximum of two samples out of 500 were positive (i.e., 0.4%).
採取 Collecting
鼻咽頭を拭って痰を採取する To take a specimen of phlegm from the nasopharynx (upper part of the throat behind the nose)
胸部レントゲンを撮影する To take a chest x-ray
新型コロナウィルス感染症の確定診断 Confirmed diagnosis
治療薬 Remedial medicine
新型コロナウィルス感染症の治療薬として「レムデシビル」を特例で承認した Remdesivir has been specially approved as a remedial medicine for the novel coronavirus
治療を終えた人 A person who has finished treatment
投与する To administer (medicine)
処方箋 Prescription
72床ある病床の占有率は47%。 The occupancy rate of the 72 hospital beds is 47%
検出 Detection
中国で検出された新型コロナウィルス The novel coronavirus has been detected in China
ウィルスの遺伝子を検出する検査 A test for detecting virus genes
開発 Development
ワクチンが開発されるよう祈っています。 Praying for the development of a vaccine.
レムデシビルは、ギリアド社がもともとエボラ出血熱を対象に開発を進めていた低分子化合物だ。Remdesivir is a low-molecular-weight chemical, which Gilead originally developed for Ebola hemorrhagic fever.
Related words
製薬大手 Pharmaceutical giant
市販 Over-the-counter (as opposed to prescription, controlled drugs)
懸念材料 Causes (grounds) for concern
既存装置 Existing equipment
クルーズ船の乗客 Cruise ship passengers
豪華客船の乗員 Cruise ship crew
酷評 Severe criticism
異議 Objection
整える To put in order
把握 To grasp, understand
持続 Continuation
最高経営責任者 CEO
謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます。 I extend my condolences to you.
お見舞い申しあげます。I would like to express my sympathies.