Tagged: music
YouTuber shares God’s love with those considering suicide
“When I found out that many people die by suicide in Japan, I wanted to...
Japanese video for “The Blessing” released
In 2020, a song called “The Blessing” swept the world. The lyrics of the song...
Life Champions
An evangelistic event called Life Champions was held in Tokyo (21st Century Christ Church in...
Promoting life through music
According to a White Paper on Suicide Prevention published by the Ministry of Health, Labour,...
Finding the father I never had
Antonio Koga has played the guitar for 70 years, and in 2019 will celebrate his...
Changes for Night de Light after 10 years
Night de Light is a four-piece rock band, formed in Hokkaido in 2006, that sings...
The Gospel of Mr. Children?
As I listened to some friends who are fans of the pop group Mr. Children,...
Gospel group from Kansai encourages boys saying “You can make a fresh start”
On July 27, last year, “Without You” a gospel group from Kansai, was awarded a...
News for Spring 2013
Seminar on Christian View of Nuclear Power Generation The Eastern Division of the Japan Evangelical...