Author: Ken Reddington
Purposeful praying
“The wonderful thing about praying is that you leave a world of not being able to do something and enter God’s realm where everything is possible. He specializes in the impossible. Nothing is too great for His almighty power. Nothing is too small for His love.” ~ Corrie ten Boom1
Practicing kanji while prayer walking
Japanese names and their kanji can prompt us to pray for people we haven’t even met
Weapons of mass distraction
“But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4 NASB)
The power of prayer
“The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” (James 5:16b NASB 1995)
Effective prayer
When prayer fades out, power fades out. We are as spiritual as we are prayerful; no more, no less. E. Stanley Jones1
An old lady “stole” a Bible
God took her from fierce opposition to Christianity, to leading her husband to the Lord
Working for unity through prayer in Kōchi
“Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work.” — Oswald Chambers1
Your wish is my command
“If your day is hemmed in with prayer, it is less likely to come unraveled.” — Cynthia Lewis1
The six spheres of prayer
“The greatest tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer, but unoffered prayer.” — F. B. Meyer1
Praying for others
“Prayers offered in the Name of Christ are scrutinized and sanctified by His nature, His...
Small churches can thrive
God has ordained that a church grows organically, as one body, even a small one
Prayer is…
“Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.”1 Corrie ten Boom
Ministering in prayer
“Prayer is not monologue but dialogue; God’s voice in response to mine is its most essential part.”1 Andrew Murray
Take it to the Lord in prayer
“Prayer surely does influence God. It does not influence His purpose. It does influence His action.”1 S. D. Gordon
Praying in context
“The devil is not terribly frightened of our human efforts and credentials. But he knows...
Let’s praise God!
“Keep praying, but be thankful that God’s answers are wiser than your prayers!”1 William Culbertson...