Author: Eileen Nielsen
Theology of suffering in missions
Historically, missionaries’ stories have inspired us. Our missionary heroes seemed to have had the ability...
Two common TCK struggles
Rootlessness and restlessness are challenges that continue into adulthood for TCKs
Build mental strength
How can we deal effectively with the stressors and challenges in our daily lives?
The secrets of happy people
Happiness is linked to caring for the body, soul, emotions, and relationships
Boundaries: surviving cross-cultural life
Defining and enforcing boundaries can help to prevent burnout in ministry
Cultural Intelligence
Some guidelines and qualities for developing the intelligence needed to adjust to life in another culture
The benefits of giving thanks
Developing the habit of being thankful can have a transformative effect on your life
How to improve multigenerational organizations
Reduce conflict in the workplace by understanding generational differences
Comparison is good and bad
John the Baptist's response to comparison can keep us from responding negatively when we compare ourselves to others
Cross-cultural stress: causes and coping strategies
Living in a cross-cultural context causes stress, but there are ways to manage it
Keeping it real: stress management
“It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” – Hans Selye
Reasons why they leave
Reasons for leaving the field prematurely are often lumped under the general category of interpersonal problems, but reality can be more complex than that.
Kizuna: Blessed Be the Ties that Bind
Strong relational ties were forged with Japanese volunteers through serving together in the aftermath of 3.11
Enhancing Your Natural Tranquilizers
Eliminating things that destroy our natural tranquilizers helps to preserve physical and emotional well-being
Words to the Wise: Simple Steps to Learn to Communicate Well
At a recent marriage counseling session, it was clear that, despite trying very hard, the...
Home Assignment: The Good, the Bad, and the Hard for the TCK
“Home Assignment” has always been one of those hot button words in our family. In...