Tagged: communication
Leading Japanese people to the wellspring
Lessons from Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan woman help us better share the gospel with Japanese people
Stories develop cultural understanding
How to write prayer letters that help supporters understand Japan
Combining forces to bring evangelical television to the masses
A ministry based in the Netherlands is working with partners and church leaders to make and broadcast programs with a Christian message in many countries
How to improve multigenerational organizations
Reduce conflict in the workplace by understanding generational differences
Miscommunication and Servanthood
What is the connection between trying to order a sausage as a side dish at...
Communicating Meaningfully with a Japanese Audience
Words are fundamental to creation. In Genesis one, God spoke — and all things came...
God’s Tool Box
Jesus was brought up under the leadership and direction of his earthly father, Joseph, who...
Biblical Response to Warukuchi
Having considered the problem of waruguchi and noted its prevalence in Japanese culture, it’s important to ask how...
Why Japanese YAs Don’t Evangelize
At a Japanese Evangelical Association (JEA) Youth Commission retreat, a panel of college students spoke...