Tagged: short term
What can this short-termer do?
Tim had no Japanese and no international experience and yet he would create a community for unbelievers to mingle naturally with a few believers
Three values to help teams thrive
A desire to share the gospel, a willingness do anything that's asked, and a cheerful attitude are vital qualities for shot-temers and long-termers alike
Short-term missions: moving forward
With the dramatic increase in short-term missions over the last two decades, churches and mission agencies need to critically assess their long-term effectiveness
Short-term prayer teams
God is using prayer teams to encourage his people in Japan and prepare the way for revival
Short-term teams are valuable
Short-term missions can be life-changing, both for team members and those whom they serve
Survey on short-term missions
Short-term missions are being used a lot in Japan, and JEMA members generally think they are beneficial
From short-term trips to long-term commitment
God used the love and prayers of two men to transform me into wanting to serve long-term in Japan
Short-Term Teams with a Long-Term Witness ~ via facebook ~
On the Train “Hi!” “Hello. Where from?” “California.” “Why you come to Japan?” “To make...