Issue: Autumn 2020
Strength in Weakness
Funerals and feasting
Suddenly called to perform his first funeral, this missionary wrestled with grief and learned the value of mourning
Language, weakness, and God’s presence
God can use us in Japan despite our perceived Japanese language inability
Blessed are the broken
Kintsugi is much more than a beautiful finished product. Celia discovered God’s grace in the process of mending a broken tile.
The fainting public speaker
God used my weakness and fear of public speaking to reach people for his kingdom
What can this short-termer do?
Tim had no Japanese and no international experience and yet he would create a community for unbelievers to mingle naturally with a few believers
Crisis provides chances
Responding to a prompting from the Holy Spirit, Amy reached out to her friends with her testimony
Japanese children’s ministry resources
Did you know that there are many great Japanese resources out there for kids ministry?
Missionary, you are called to weakness
We often come to the mission field with high expectations, but we forget that God’s view of us is different
Book reviews for Autumn 2020
Understanding Japanese Society / Finding the Right Hills to Die On / How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?
A shame-based culture
Issues relating to shame and honour permeate Japanese culture, strongly affecting the way people relate to each other
Japanese church thrust into digital space
COVID-19 has given us opportunities to explore ministry from different perspectives
Ministering in prayer
“Prayer is not monologue but dialogue; God’s voice in response to mine is its most essential part.”1 Andrew Murray
God wants us to depend on him
“Real true faith is man’s weakness leaning on God’s strength.”1 ~Dwight L. Moody
God’s power is made perfect in weakness
Our frailty gives God the glory, as he expands his kingdom through us
Keep it simple
My teenagers are currently into online memes. The genius of memes is their succinctness—they convey...